We have great news to share with you: Metastrike, the first-person multiplayer game that combines elements of CSGO and COD, is finally available in its Beta 1.0 version.

You can download it for free and without the need for pre-registration, for both Android and Windows.

The features of Metastrike

Metastrike Beta 1.0: discover the game that rewards you with NFTs
The development team is working to make Metastrike also compatible with IOS and MacOS, and to finally bring it to the main gaming platforms, such as Steam and Epic Games.

Metastrike offers you a unique and immersive gaming experience, with an extensive game mode, characters, and abilities. You will be able to upgrade your weapons, challenge your friends and earn rewards in NFTs, the non-fungible tokens that represent unique and tradable digital items on the vast market it offers.

What’s New in Beta 1.0

The Metastrike beta 1.0 version is a huge step up from the Alpha version, which we tested in October, as it was very immature in many respects. They have significantly improved gameplay, added new features, and introduced a rewards system based on NFTs and tokens.

Metastrike has all the potential to become one of the best Play To Earn on the market, but the team doesn’t stop there. They will continue to develop and update the game to always offer you the best.

How to find out more about Metastrike

Metastrike Beta has improved many aspects compared to the Alpha version, but it is not yet the definitive game. In fact, there are still some missing game modes, such as zombie mode. However, the game has a lot of potential and deserves to be followed and evaluated carefully.

To learn more about Metastrike, we invite you to visit the official website and read the whitepaper. If you want a complete guide on how to play, you can check out our dedicated article.

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